+49 6203 8408846 info@hmm.info

New look for www.hmm.info

We have given our website hmm.info and our product page smartLAB.org a new look.

On the occasion of the 16 years of existence of the smartLAB brand, we have decided to revise our websites, to streamline them, to make them clearer and to give our customers an optimal information page about HMM and the products of smartLAB.

At smartLAB.org you will find all the information about our smartLAB products, whether for fitness or health, smartLAB offers a suitable product for every customer. Visit us at www.smartlab.org.

At hmm.info we present our company and our other services. In addition to the smartLAB products, we offer various B2B solutions in the field of e-health and connected health. Visit us at www.hmm.info

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