+49 6203 8408846 info@hmm.info


Customers we work with

  • We have worked with HMM Diagnostic GmbH for several years now and have always been very happy with their service and support. We can always rely on a quick answer and fast reaction if there is any open topic. Our customers are satisfied with the quality of the smartLAB Products which we offer in our online store. HMM is a reliable Partner who can be worked with over several years, building up a long term partnership.

  • Vidawell

    "HMM has completely convinced us as a system supplier for our self-management applications. HMM has promoted the wireless trend through its measuring instruments, as one of the first companies, in almost all common technologies. In addition to providing extensive support in the development of innovative application scenarios, HMM is characterized by high-quality products and excellent logistics and service processes.", Vidawell.

    More about Vidawell can be found here.

  • West German Diabetes and Health Centre WGDZ-VKKD

    Diabetes Study

    As part of a diabetes study conducted by the West German Diabetes and Health Center in Düsseldorf, our fitmefit.com was used. Study participants were equipped with smartLAB devices and data transmitters. The study supervisors were able to collect and analyse the measured data via the portal. More about the study can be found here.Or download the study here

  • Australian Catholic University

    „We have developed a wireless physical activity monitoring system to collect physical activity measures and provide seamless feedback in ‘group exercise’ settings. Collecting physical activity data from large groups of individuals in a ‘group exercise’ setting is a logistical challenge, and providing group and individual feedback in a reasonable timeframe is difficult. We have designed a system that can be used in school physical education settings. The bespoke class physical activity monitoring system allows a teacher to measure physical activity in up to 25 individual students at a time. Each student wears a SmartLAB® move+ accelerometer which communicates with a custom designed mobile device application (app) to provide group and individual feedback on the amount of physical activity achieved during the lesson. The accelerometers and proprietary mobile device app operate on an ANT+ wireless sensor network which has the advantage of taking only a few seconds to connect and upload data from up to 25 individual accelerometers to the mobile device at the end of a lesson. In a classroom setting, providing the teacher with feedback about how much physical activity is achieved by individuals and the group during the lesson could play an important role In helping to increase physical activity in school children.“ -ACU

    Here you can see more details

  • Das Tooting Med Center Ltd. in Großbritanien verwendet im Rahmen von hLine smartLAB Produkte zur Messung und Übertragung von Vitaldaten an die App  „Health Monitoing Online“.

    „The mobile App has been developed in Clinical settings.  It promotes patient self-care, provides home monitoring, empowers practitioners and patients, detects behaviour that is likely to lead to poor health, enables data analytics based on data gathered by users and encourages positive lifestyle changes.“  – Tooting Med Centre Ltd.

    Die App kann unter folgenden Links heruntergeladen werden:


  • Zuri Care Management System

    „With an ageing population, coupled with a hospital bed crisis, the NHS is now encouraging older people to remain at home longer. The future care of people will no longer be confined to a physical stay in a hospital or nursing home, but defined on how to make people feel the best they can in their own home. Care to older people will be centrally monitored and handled by a community of care takers.

    The leading edge Zuri® Care Management System has been specifically designed to help care agencies and nurses to care for those people easily and efficiently. To do so, Zuri’s partnership with HMM Diagnostics GmbH means that Zuri® is the first care management system to fully integrate connected objects allowing people staying at home to be monitored discreetly and securely 24 hours a day without any requirements from the person concerned.

    Welcome to the new Zuri® Connect solution together with smartLAB devices creating a hybrid world where the community of caregivers for the elderly is informed in real time by these smart devices providing care for this growing section of the population in new and beneficial ways.“

    More information about Zuri: www.zuri.care

  • „MedM is a world technology leader in medical device and wearable connectivity software. We are an independent software vendor that has focused on the connected health market for more than six years. We mainly concentrate on data collection, processing, and storage, support for the servers housing the data, and Bluetooth device connection.“

    About app

    „MedM Health is the ultimate Health Diary for you and your family. Whether you keep a Blood Sugar or Blood Pressure diary, tracking COPD conditions, heading to your Weight Loss achievements, or monitoring Temperature, MedM Health is a perfect companion for you. You can collect data automatically from Fitness and Medical Devices or enter data manually with our user friendly Smart Entry. You can backup, share, export and get print friendly reports or use fully function offline mode. Keep data, watch for changes in time and stay healthy!“

    Company website: http://www.medm.com

    MedM App:


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